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How Wealthica Can Help You Avoid Financial Mistakes

How Wealthica Can Help You Avoid Financial Mistakes

Managing personal finances can be overwhelming, especially when navigating Canada's unique financial landscape. Canadians face various financial challenges, from understanding the nuances of tax-advantaged accounts like RRSPs and TFSAs to keeping track of investments and debt. Wealthica becomes a powerful ally, helping you avoid common mistakes that could otherwise jeopardize your financial future. By providing…

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A Conversation with Elayamani Krishnamoorthi, Creator of the Portfolio Tracker Add-On for Wealthica

I had an opportunity to sit down with Vancouver-based software developer and Wealthica supporter Elayamani Krishnamoorthi. He is the author of the Portfolio Tracker Add-On for Wealthica, which enables users to compare their portfolio value against the total deposits made as of date. We discussed what attracted him to Wealthica, his reasons for conceiving the…

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Interview with Patrick Kuczynski, Co-Founder and COO of ShareAlpha

I sat down with Patrick Kuczynski, co-founder and Chief Operations Officer (COO) of ShareAlpha, a Montreal-based stock market investing tool that helps DIY investors find new investment ideas in seconds that match their investing style (I previously interviewed him last year on behalf of Fintech publication BankNXT). Patrick and his team recently developed an add-on…

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Financial aggregation: What’s in it for established banks? (A conversation with Simon Boulet)

I recently caught up with Simon Boulet, CEO and co-founder of Wealthica. This is a follow up to an interview Nuadox (a publication I manage) has published last March. We discussed the meaning of “Open Data”, recent changes in the Canadian Open Banking space and the potential benefits of financial aggregation for established financial institutions. Phil…

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Major Wealthica Release: Holdings, Add-ons and Now Syncing with 42 Canadian Investment Institutions

Last week marked an important milestone that will shape Wealthica’s future: the release of add-ons. In the last three months, we also major features: new holdings layout, categorizations and additional supported institutions. We’re now syncing with 42 Canadian investment institutions! 0.75.0 "Douglas Adams” The answer to life, the universe and everything. This releases adds support for HSBC…

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