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making a financial budget

How to Make a Financial Budget

Creating a financial budget is like constructing a blueprint for your financial future, offering clarity, control, and confidence in managing your money. In Canada, budgeting becomes even more crucial as it helps navigate varying costs of living, unique tax implications, and regional economic factors. Whether you're saving for a home in bustling Toronto, planning for…

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FDATA North America Releases Report On Competition Issues Around Open Banking in Canada

On July 17, the Financial Data and Technology Association (FDATA) of North America released a paper on competition issues around customer-directed finance (often referred to as "Open Banking") and the financial data access competitive landscape in Canada. The paper’s release coincided with a virtual presentation by FDATA North America Executive Director Steve Boms, Senator Colin…

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Use the Wealthsimple API to Do More: Wealthsimple and Wealthsimple Trade Enhanced

Connecting your Wealthsimple account to Wealthica has never been easier. The Wealthsimple Trade and Wealthsimple API allow you to easily connect your account to Wealthica securely with just a few clicks. This means you no longer need to enter your credentials when connecting your Wealthsimple account to Wealthica, securely giving you instant control over your…

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Wealthica + Stockchase: A New Way to Discover your Next Favourite Stocks

It’s official: Wealthica has acquired Stockchase, an established online community for DIY investors. There is a wealth of information collected on the site from investment experts; many years of comments have been captured and are easily accessible. The team at Wealthica has worked hard to modernize the site and improve the overall user experience. Today…

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Commented Finance Links

You have been thinking about momentum investing strategies?

Moneysense writing about Momentum strategies... Momentum strategies involve investing in stocks that have displayed a recent short term positive trend in a certain quality such as price, earnings, profitability, etc. For the most part, momentum concentrates on price trends and they do not look at the stock’s business, industry or competitiveness. The theory behind momentum investing…

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