As you may already know, Zabo is being acquired by Coinbase and they won’t be offering their crypto API as a service anymore.
Since there aren’t many great services like Zabo out there, this is quite disappointing. But I’m very glad to announce to you that it’s not the end of the world!
Vezgo Is the New “Plaid of Crypto”
Here, at Wealthica, we are working towards a Zabo alternative we call Vezgo. We’re building Vezgo to continue serving our subscribers when it comes to tracking their crypto assets but also as a drop-in replacement for Zabo customers that are being let down with very little time to find an alternative.
30 Crypto Exchanges Within 30 Days

Our ambitious goal is to have a drop-in Zabo replacement ready within 30 days (September 15th, 2021) supporting 30 of the most popular crypto exchanges.
As a result, we will be able to also help fintech and crypto app developers like you to keep getting the value that a crypto API provides. We would be thrilled to work with you to ensure you can keep syncing your users’ crypto accounts with no interruptions.
If you need a Zabo replacement and want to discuss the crypto API and your options, please get in touch with us:
The Vezgo website is now online!
Get in touch at
Vezgo for Fintech Developers – More than Just A Crypto API
Wealthica has been developing its aggregation and consolidation engine since 2015 when we launched the dashboard app. At first, our engine was meant to empower us to get investment data for Canadians as the popular aggregators (Plaid, Yodlee, Flinks, etc.) had very poor support for Canadian financial institutions and investment data.
Over the years we developed a powerful aggregation technology that we can use today to expand into a crypto API.
Today, the Wealthica financial data API not only powers Wealthica but also other Canadian fintech apps like Hardbacon, Wealthscope, and Passiv. It also powers Flinks Wealth Solutions which in turn powers many of the top banking and lending services in Canada. Flinks is the exclusive vendor of the Canadian investment data API.
In the next few days, we will create a new version of our engine to focus specifically on crypto. We will also expand our engine to offer a connection flow that will be pretty similar to the Zabo flow and that developers can use as a drop-in replacement.
Now, as you wait for us to fully develop this new service, you will soon be able to get a taste of the Vezgo API and follow our progress on the Vezgo website. Join other developers in the quest of continually providing value to the world while saving time that you can allocate to more important aspects of your project.
Get in touch at and let’s chat about your crypto API needs.
Vezgo As a Zabo Alternative within the Wealthica Dashboard

The Vezgo crypto API won’t only serve developers. It will be integrated into Wealthica for end-users and investors to continue tracking their crypto assets.
As a Wealthica user, you may already have realized that Wealthica is not just another crypto tracker. It actually offers more than a crypto API as well.
That’s because Wealthica is about giving a complete picture of your finances to you.
Chances are that your assets include more than just crypto. Hey, I won’t judge if that isn’t the case with you, but it probably will be with most of your clients out there.
Well, that means that having a crypto, stock, cash, ETF tracker all in one super-app would be ideal, right? Too unreal? Too complicated? Not for us…
Wealthica is actually about tracking every single part of your assets no matter if it’s just cash or cryptocurrencies. While many other apps do track many common securities like stocks and ETFs, not many account for your crypto holdings too.
And reversely, Zabo was exclusively focused on a crypto API; for investors and end-users. Wealthica is not…
All in all, by choosing Wealthica as your portfolio tracker and net worth dashboard you’ll be getting more anyway. Connecting banks and brokerage accounts along with your crypto wallets will give you the real picture of your finances. Although, I do admit that not everyone will want to take a look at such a picture (just kidding).
Zabo’s gone. But don’t worry; a Zabo alternative is just around the corner.
As former clients of Zabo ourselves, we require a crypto API that will replace their service as well. The idea is that we also want to help people who were indirectly served by Zabo to have access to all of their other accounts too.
For fintech developers, the result is a service that allows you to see transactions, track crypto assets, identify cash flows, and keep an eye on your cryptocurrencies, all in one place.
For investors and everyone interested in crypto, the result is nothing will change. Wealthica will maintain the crypto exchange connectivity through the new Vezgo initiative. Being in control of your finances is only based on making its management as simple as possible, after all…
Sounds interesting? You can let us know by sending us an email and describing your project, needs, and your concerns with us.
Let’s chat!