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Wealthica Update #33: BMO Nesbitt Burns, Shakepay and more!

Hey Wealthica users!

What we fixed…

This week, we released a fix for BMO Nesbitt Burns, and all connections should be working well under our new connector.

We’ve published a fix that affected some Manulife GRS where users were not able to connect this institution on the mobile app due to the optional account number field. Everyone should be able to connect now on both mobile and web-app.

What we’re working on…

Regarding connectors, we are working on an issue with Shakepay connector. Existing connections are OK, but new connections can experience some issues. Please follow our status page for all updates.

Also, we are currently experiencing issues with Aligned Capital Partners. We have high sync rates and all current connections should be syncing well, but new connections can experience problems. Let us know if you experience any issues.

As always, you automatically benefit from all Crypto API features released by our partner Vezgo. They just released fixes and major platform stability improvements. We’re unstoppable! (Okay, maybe just slightly stoppable, but we’re trying our best!).