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Wealthica Update #15: Connector fixes & more, plus Mobile App updates

Hey Wealthica users!

What we fixed…

We’ve been busy fixing bugs and making updates to make your investment journey smoother than a freshly paved road. With the help of a Wealthica user, we finally made progress with fixing Manulife Security and the development is now complete. We are moving to testing. Fidelity NetBenefits has been fixed too (yes!).

We’ve resolved an issue with stale exchange rates being shown.

What is not done yet

We’ll be publishing a new mobile application updates next week with bug fixes, as well as to bring Plaid connectors to the app.

On the connector end, we are working on an issue with the AGF connector not syncing properly. We’re also happy to announce that we are currently testing an updated Manulife Securities connector, which has been blocked for a while.

We’ve made progress with Fidelity Investments, but we need help from users to connect to our staging environment to help us finish the last bit of troubleshooting. If you are open to help us, send us a message through the purple button on the bottom right of your dashboard.

We’re also on the case with a bug where some Transactions are not refreshing properly. We are also investigating a report that a user was seeing Holdings show double cash values in Categories.

As always, you automatically benefit from all Crypto API features released by our partner Vezgo. They just released fixes and major platform stability improvements. We’re unstoppable! (Okay, maybe just slightly stoppable, but we’re trying our best!).