Before & After Wealthica

We asked our users what it was like before and after they used Wealthica. Hundreds replied. Here are some of the answers.

Wealthica allows me to follow the evolution of my assets, in a summary and very detailed way at the same time. With Wealthica, I went from shadow to light, and for free!

Frederick B.

What I love about Wealthica is being able to see the evolution of my savings for each of my accounts, on the same platform. By linking my bank accounts, and other assets / liabilities, I can even know my net worth. It is a tool that sheds additional light on otherwise scattered information.

Steve P.

It’s absolutely fantastic to have all our family investments on one unique platform. Before, I had to create spreadsheets, manually track every single transaction, dividends, fees, drip, ACB, etc. I spent a few hours per month to maintain these spreadsheets! With Wealthica, the only thing I have to do is login and everything is there, error free, in a matter of seconds. It’s so powerful.

Marie-Claude P.

Wealthica solved a bunch of financial tracking problems I was having but most importantly, for me, I am now able to see all holdings, across various accounts and institutions on one screen, it's financial wizardry.

Robert I.

Before using Wealthica I never had a complete picture of my financial assets and how I was doing. I used to have to calculate my interest, dividends, and total returns manually at the end of each month. Now at a click of a button, I have everything exactly as I want to see it all in one place.

Benjy K.

Helps me track my net worth from one simple website.. invaluable and extremely helpful.

Akash S.

Wealthica has made my investment management a bliss. Before, I had to logon to a dozen different websites, with ever-changing interfaces. After I started using Wealthica, I never had to go back to any of those websites for anything other than placing trades. Now I see everything on the mobile app in real-time. Anyone who has more than 1 account SHOULD be using Wealthical.

Salman K.

I have always struggled to consolidate my checking account, my savings account, my trading account. Wealthica has been the one and only solution that supports all accounts, whether it's old-fashioned banking or a new generation Fintech. I can finally see a clear picture of my finances.

Nilay M.

I love Wealthica. Before, tracking multiple accounts was time consuming (my wife and I each have various self-directed accounts, managed funds and RPPs). Wealthica has made my spreadsheets obsolete (thank God). The app seamlessly integrates many different platforms and allows us to see our entire portfolio in one place.

Richard L.

It makes it so much easier to track my investments in one spot. It makes it so much more satisfying to see in one chart that saving is working.

Christopher S.

Before, I had difficulty sitting down with my spouse to go over our savings and retirement goals, because there was no single summary. After, we are both using the same information to have these discussions, and can determine our strategy and goals separately from trying to figure out the reporting.

Neil E.

I used to use Mint, and Wealthica is massively better, I’m super impressed with the app and website, I’ve told all my friends to get it.

Brad L.

Wealthica helps me to stay on top of my actual networth!


Wealthica is a great offering. keep growing!

Edward E

Before using Wealthica I never had a complete picture of my financial assets and how I was doing. I used to have to calculate my interest, dividends and total returns manually at the end of each month. Now at a click of a button, I have everything exactly as I want to see it all in one place.

Benjy K.

Wealthica is a game changer in finance. As opposed to using Mint for net worth and having to manually correct accounts that failed synchronization, wealthica just works due to API integration. I love the simple dashboards that present passive income, contributions and fees at a granular detail - this level of automated reporting doesn't exist in any other tool. Wealthica is a must have tool for every investor.

James B.

Prior to using Wealthica, there was no place that I could go to view the current value and changes to my and my wife’s combined investment portfolio. I had tried using various spreadsheets but they required constant updating. Then I stumbled upon Wealthica and BOOM! Everything in one place and Wealthica does all the updating/work! Quite ingenious.

Tom R.

The beauty of your site is that I can have all of my maps, financial institutions, investments, and real estate in one place…

Pierre B

Hi I was creating my own manual spreadsheets and updating them daily to keep track of my net worth and thought there must be a better way. I was ecstatic to discover Wealthica did pretty much everything I wanted it to and more! It has made tracking my investments and net worth much easier.

Matthew S.

I have used MS Money to try and maintain an overall view of our net worth and it was really time consuming. Wealthica has assembled all of this into an easy to view, easy to maintain portal. During the market volatility this year, the ability to monitor our portfolio was hugely valuable to avoid wondering how the large dips in the market were affecting us.

P&E L.

I was looking for a service that will provide me a consolidated cross institutional view at one place and I found that at Wealthica. Wealthica not only consolidates and gives you a singular view but it has enhanced features for example you can easily look at your book value and transactions. Some banks only provide you a limited time transaction history but Wealthica has no such limit, which is great.

Rajeev B.

It’s been really great - before, I had to manually calculate and update everything in order to determine the total value of my portfolio + weighting’s, now it’s literally saved me hours over time since I can access and view my consolidated data within minutes. Being able to see all the transactions in one page also really helped me realize how much I was paying in fees to my broker so that was extremely useful as well!

Amelia Y.

Simply put, Wealthica is amazing. Before I started using Wealthica my finances were all over the place. Trying to find the best financial services for my money meant that I had spread out my accounts across multiple institutions: robo advisors, discount brokers, big banks, and everything in between. Wealthica was able to automate and streamline my finance in the clearest way possible. I cannot recommend Wealthica enough.

Federico Z.

Earlier this year I was seeking an investment focused tool that could help me track all of my financial information in one place. Wealthica hit the nail on the head. Wealthica updates significantly faster, with no re-connection issues, than other wealth tracking services, and offers you a neat snapshot of your net worth. Wealthica absolutely leaves other options in the dust with their ability to show net worth trends, investment guidance and an ever growing amount of apps that supercharge your experience.

Daryo C.

Before Wealthica I used both Mint and an Excel spreadsheet. Mint is a good expense tracking tool, but isn't very elaborate for tracking net worth. And Excel, of course, requires manual updating. One of the great things I like about Wealthica is that I am able to see my net worth trend from the first day I set up my Wealthica account up to today every time I use it.

David S.

Wealthica makes it easy to compile multiple accounts in one place. I sign in to wealthica for a quick glance at my investments quite frequently. I hope more options are provided in the future to see different information about our portfolios as an aggregate and individually.

Brandon G.

This tools helps me see exactly what is going on without having to spend a lot of time each week or month aggregating the picture! The ability to see all income in one place is also great.

Norman N.

The value of Wealthica for me is the ability for me to see my securities holdings in a single place. It also provides a useful snapshot of my Book and Existing value of securities and a Performance of all securities look.

Bob M.

Before Wealthica I was using Mint and never had any idea what my overall asset allocations were and had to log into a bunch of accounts to visualize the return on my investments. Now I have the complete picture that allows me to grow my net worth across 5 different financial institutions and nearly 20 accounts.

Cody W.

Before Wealthica, I had no way of seeing in one place all the accounts I had at many brokerage houses. Not only the accounts but also individual holdings, percentages, performance, income, transactions and more... Wow it was such a welcome change to having to do it with excel!


Before Wealthica I spent significant time calculating my investment performance and total net worth across my four accounts. Since I've joined it's a simple matter of logging in and instantly seeing whether I'm meeting my goals.

Waskiewicz F

I am really happy that Wealthica came along. Managing asset allocation for the entire family became much easier with the use of Groups. I can see at a glance whether I need to rebalance or quickly determine where I need to allocate funds on new contributions.

Will L.

In the Press

"A better free alternative to Personal Capital." @maplemoneycom

"Wealthica is a great Mint alternative." @genymoneyca

"Keep track of all your investment accounts." @brucesellery @brucesellery

"It's similar to Mint but focussed on investments." @frugaltrader

"Track all your investment accounts in one place." @rcarrick @rcarrick

"The 13 best money management apps of 2020." @savvycanadians @savvycanadians

"The elusive second opinion: What to do if you want feedback on your investing." @theglobeandmail

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